Chelsea Clinton’s florists

According to all the buzz about Chelsea Clinton‘s wedding, celebrity florist Jeff Leatham and Boston shop Winston Flowers will provide the flowers for Chelsea Clinton’s super secret and exclusive wedding in upstate New York.

Jeff Leatham of TLC’s Flowers Uncut

Mr. Leatham, pictured above, is artistic director of the Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris and author of two books — Flowers by Jeff Leatham and Flowers by Design — after getting his start at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. He’s a pretty busy guy — not only does he do celebrity weddings like, oh, Eva Longoria’s, he is also the star of TLC’s Flowers Uncut.

Jeff Leatham’s work, via Facebook

As you can easily see, Jeff Leatham’s work is spectacular. He’s not simply a florist, he literally interior decorates a space using flowers, vases and candles. From what I can discern from my very small amount of research, he really likes monochromatic designs. And in keeping with his impressive work is his impressive clientele — Oprah, Tina Turner, the Dalai Lama, to name a few off his website. Besides his website and catching him on TLC, you can also Like Jeff Leatham on Facebook.

Winston Flowers Weddings

Winston Flowers, on the other hand, appears to be more of a traditional floral shop, albeit a floral shop with amazing vision. Via their website, they seem to do bridal flowers (which I don’t think Jeff Leatham does). And that chuppah? Amazing. Most beautiful chuppah I’ve ever seen, I think, but then again, I’ve only seen a few.

At any rate, you knew the Clintons or Chelsea’s in-laws-to-be were not going to spare any expense for this event. It’s sure to be spectacular. Just wish we could get some solid details!

(And, by the way, my wedding was also on July 31. Seems to be a popular day!)

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