What a wedding story

Courtesy ultimateweddingcontest.com

I’ve been out of commission for a while, thanks to a now 2-month-old cutie pie named Michael, but have been keeping an eye out for good wedding posts. And while this one doesn’t have much to do with decorations, I love the story, and darn it, I really hope this couple wins.

This is Matthew and Chloe. I was alerted to their story by a work colleague, who had posted a link on Facebook to their entry at Crate and Barrel’s $100,000 Ultimate Wedding contest. I think what caught my eye was “third time’s the charm!” Third time for what? I clicked to find out.

Turns out both Matthew and Chloe are UCLA alumni who got engaged and were planning a wedding when it was interrupted by Matthew’s cancer diagnosis. Long story short…Matthew is now cancer free and now they’re going to try and plan a wedding again (their third go-round) and possibly get some help by winning this contest.

Now, I don’t know either Matthew or Chloe. And even though I just noticed an ad for the contest on this blog, this is not a sponsored post. I have no reason to want to see them get married, much less win a $100,000 contest to have their wedding. But I admire people who get past adversity and are still smiling, and check out that picture. They’re both still smiling.

So, go vote. (And, unfortunately, you have to give Crate and Barrel your email to vote.) I’ve already voted once, and can’t vote for this couple again. And hopefully we’ll see this couple again because of some good news down the line.

(And by the way, I feel pretty strongly about registering to be a bone marrow donor. Registering is painless and free, and I did it myself after hearing about another local story.)

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