Spectacular wedding guest table settings

When we think of decorating a wedding, brides (I think) mostly think about their head table or sweetheart table, the church, the altar…every place except where guests spend the most time — at their table. So if you want to make the guest tables awesome, too, check these pictures out.

Above, we’re flashing back to an oldie but goody at the former Holiday Inn in Monrovia — its now a Doubletree, I believe. How do you make a guest table special, aside from the flowers? Why, with cool table cloths. The table above is decorated with a simple champagne organza overlay. As always, this post was inspired by many awesome pictures of tables I found on Flickr.

Photo by Flickr’s Glass Slipper Gourmet

Glass Slipper Gourmet had quite a few awesome pictures of guest tables. Not only does this table have a gargantuan arrangement of orchids (they’re even spilling off the vase! How arty!), the table is covered with a bronze, textured tablecloth that really sets off the gold in the plates and in the napkins. Oh, and there are more of those orchids, right there. Only thing is — the utensils kind of disappear. Ah well, who needs utensils, right?

Photo by Flickr’s Glass Slipper Gourmet

This is another table set up from Glass Slipper Gourmet, which is labeled “Sexy!” — and it is! When you’re decorating a house, most decorators would advise against this kind of pattern, but on a guest table, up against black and white plate ware, plum napkins and those magenta and white flowers…wow! It’s all oh so sensual.

Photo by Flickr’s Flor & Forma

This table by Flor & Forma is more traditional and simple, but still beautiful and striking. Probably what is most striking is the yellow and white rose arrangement atop a trumpet vase filled with water, with a sprig of yellow orchids inside. But the details! Those look like yellow baby roses tucked into the napkins all sitting on top of a white, embroidered table cloth.

Photo by Flickr’s Manna from the heavens

Last but definitely not least is a wedding reception at what is apparently Caltech, here in the Los Angeles area. I already assume that most university campuses are beautiful, but wow! What a great place to have a reception. Anyway, the arrangement is cute, low and colorful (so it packs a big visual impact, but doesn’t keep your guests from seeing each other at the table), and the embroidered, brown table cloth is beautiful.