Bouquets for the bride and bridesmaid

It occurred to me recently that I hardly ever write about actual flowers. That’s possibly because flowers are not my forte, but I’m making an effort to learn more, so I figure I should bring you along for the ride.

I decided to begin this journey with bouquets. In the years I’ve had a digital camera, I didn’t take as many bouquet shots as I probably could have — my mom was always urging me to take pictures of the arrangements and the decorations, not so much the bouquets. But if you think about it, bouquets are much more personal to the bride — it’s what they’re going to carry all day and be photographed with all day. Above, is a simple white bouquet of roses and white stephanotis, wrapped with lace. Also, forgive the arm in the picture — I know I shot this right before we started setting up a reception. Heheh.

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