Giveaway Alert: Win a $25 gift certificate to*

Sophia of contacted me a while ago, offering me a $25 gift certificate for anything I might like.

I don’t really plan on having a party anytime soon (even though my youngest will be turning 1 in August, I don’t know that I’ll have a party big enough to need party favors), so I figured why waste that $25 on myself and why not offer it to someone who really needs it — one of my readers!

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Bridal shower and wedding giveaways

We’re full on into the Summer of Weddings now! I don’t know about anyone else, but I know of three brides tying the knot in July, including two on July 4. So its been a busy summer, even though I’m not attending even one of these weddings, but have been included in adjacent events. 🙂 I kind of like it that way.

One thing that’s nice is the little things you take away from each event, like this little teacup full of goodies I was given at a recent bridal shower. Besides the ceramic teacup, it came with personalized gum, Lifesavers (or another rolled mint, I haven’t opened it yet) and teabags enclosed in wrappers labeled “Love is Brewing!” Heehee. Adorable.

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