Poll: What month are you getting married in 2009?

Friends Belinda and Karsten marry in January

Friends Belinda and Karsten marry in January

So, its that time of year again! We’re in November, fast approaching the holidays, but I know many brides-to-be have already gotten engaged (I personally know at least three planning 2009 weddings, and a third, I’m not sure what her date is) and are in the throes of wedding planning now. The past two years, two “auspicious” dates dominated the wedding date selection debate — 7/7/07 and 8/8/08. I put auspicious in quotes since 7 and 8 are not lucky numbers for everyone. Hey, I could’ve said “so-called.” Heheh.

Anyway, there is another one of those triple numbers coming up — 9/9/09, but its on a Wednesday. However, if 9 is a lucky number for you, you could really save on mid-week rates for your reception or banquet venue.

But anyway, it’s time for another poll — what month will you be getting married in 2009?

I’ve written about ideal and non-ideal wedding dates previously. About.com also has a list of wedding dates you might want to avoid.

But what if you want to get married on 9/9/09, just for the sheer novelty or to help your fiancee remember your anniversary? Nine has its significance, of course, but its significance varies according to culture. If you’re going according to Chinese, its a good, strong number:

Nine (九 pinyin jiǔ) is considered a good number in Chinese culture because it sounds the same as the word “longlasting”

However, for the Japanese, its an unlucky number:

The Japanese consider 9 to be unlucky, however, because it sounds similar to the Japanese word for “pain” or “distress”

In Biblical numerology, 9 is the number of judgment:

There are 9 greek words derived from the root word meaning judgment = dikay. The following words each occur 9 times in the Bible: abussos (bottomless pit); asebee (ungodly); aselgeia (lasciviousness); and astrapee (lightning). The gifts of the spirit are 9 in number (1 Cor. 12:8-10): the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

It interests me, though, that few people enjoy getting married in January or December. Is it because its so cold? That is not a good excuse. There have been some really gorgeous weddings during winter in cold climates I’ve seen pictures of. Plus, you could be like my buddy Belinda up there and just get married in a warm climate, like South Florida — I couldn’t believe how humid it was. Heheh.

3 thoughts on “Poll: What month are you getting married in 2009?

  1. Pingback: The Wedding Times » Poll: What month are you getting married in 2009?

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